How to load any Huggingface [Transformer] models and use them?

Ala Falaki, PhD
5 min readMar 20, 2021

Consider this article as part 2 of my previous post, “How to use [HuggingFace’s] Transformers Pre-Trained tokenizers?”, where I attempted to describe what a tokenizer is, why it is important, and how to use pre-trained ones from the Huggingface library. If you are not familiar with the concept, I highly encourage you to give that piece a read. Also, you should have a basic understanding of Artificial Neural Networks.

You can see the list of all models in the Huggingface website. The picture contains the model names.
A words cloud made from the name of the 40+ available transformer-based models available in the Huggingface.



Ala Falaki, PhD

Technical Editor @ Towards AI - Write about NLP here. Let's talk on Twitter!